Monday, February 18, 2008

The Overdominance of Computers Article Assessment

Personal Reflection:

As I read through Professor Monke’s article, I felt much more at ease compared to the previous articles. I can identify and agree with great enthusiasm with his message. Although my eyes have been widen to many new experience throughout my student teaching this year, the most startling was the realization that children are not being adequately prepared with appropriate social skills.

Without interacting directly with their world through outdoor exploration, communication skills and developing social skills, children become disengaged and robotic in their actions. Students of all ages are highly addicted to their gadgets, be it an ipod, cell phone, guitar hero, or lap top computer. Gone are the days of playing kickball or basketball after school. Why hang out with your friends when you can text them instead?

I truly believe that technology plays an amazing and quintessential role in education and preparing our students to be leaders in society. However, we still need to teach our children to be humans, not machines.

To see the full assessment please click on the following link: Overdominance

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