Monday, February 18, 2008

Assistive Technologies Article Assessment

Personal Reflection:

Although I am curious about some of the assistive technologies available, this article is such a contrast compared to the last article we read, “The Overdominance of Computers”. I think that assistive technologies can be a valuable tool in education, however, some of the programs I read about seem rather frightening to me.

If a child is struggling with literacy, or reading comprehension, it seems like working with a living, breathing, human being would be much more valuable than a computer. My hackles also rise slightly when I think about students with learning disabilities being removed from a group activity for their obligatory computer time. That seems like a horrible stigma to instill on any child.

The concept that watching videos can increase reading comprehension sounds like a dangerous idea to me. Granted I am not a reading teacher, but nonetheless, I believe that background knowledge should be acquired through experience rather than watched in a video. Children need to be taught how to think and interact with their reading. I fear that watching videos and having a computer generate your thoughts will roboticize our students.

We must remember that, computers can’t replace people!

To read the full article assessment please click on the following link: Assistive Technology

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