Saturday, October 27, 2007

Energy Conservation Project Results and Findings:

As winter approaches and the cost of heating oil continues to rise, evaluating fuel consumption is increasingly important. In an effort to reduce the amount of fuel I burn this year, I conducted a study examining my current trends in heating my home with a Toyostove L-56.

Over the course of a 14-day study period, the amount of fuel burned to heat my living space was calculated. From the data generated, I was able to establish a baseline for my fuel consumption. I was then able to manipulate my data in order to make predictions about how lifestyle changes might affect fuel consumption.

I highly encourage you to think about how fuel is being consumed in your home. Small changes you make each day can add up significantly over the course of an entire year. A powerpoint that explains my research in greater depth can be found at the following link: Fuel consumption presentation.

The data generated and various manipulations of the data can be viewed at the following link: Toyo stove data

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