Monday, September 3, 2007

Epic 2015

What impacts could the developments portrayed in epic2015 have on your classroom, particularly with respect to things like podcasting?

I must admit I found the piece slightly overwhelming and even a bit scary. I think the potential impacts of technology in the classroom are enormous. Children, especially teenagers, interact with technology in such an intimate fashion. In fact, I have witnessed this past week, it is in fact their identity in some cases.

The prediction that individuals’ lives will be virtually connected through podcasting and gps delivered news communications is eerily believable. Students may have difficulty discerning between fact and sensational interpretations podcasts. Information is everywhere; this is the amazing, powerful, revolutionizing reality we find ourselves in today. As educators, it is our responsibility to teach students beyond the "standards" and equip them with the skills of critically evaluating information. Perhaps not everything you may read on this blog is true.

It is good to think for yourself.